Joshua and Ryan talk about unsubscribing and unfollowing anything that doesn’t bring tranquility or increase well-being, and they answer the following questions:
How has unsubscribing and unfollowing helped your tranquility? (08:36)
Should we attempt to explain ourselves to others when they question our minimalist lifestyle, or simply invite them to ‘unfollow’ us? (12:37)
Can minimalism help us bring order back to our chaotic lives? (14:44)
How do we determine the appropriate ‘path’? (18:50)
We can’t impose tranquility on the world around us, so how do we adjust our internal settings to maintain inner tranquility? (23:10)
Why do insults irritate us so intensely? (29:09)
How do we adjust relationships that are predicated on conflict? (31:20)
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Joshua and Ryan talk about letting go—letting go of sentimental items, letting go of junk, letting go of anxiety and stress—letting go of anything that harms our well-being or interrupts our peace, and they answer the following questions:
How do our things own us? (02:53)
Given that I’m under a deadline to move, how can I increase my decluttering pace without becoming overwhelmed and stressed? (08:44)
Are there circumstances where a storage unit makes sense? (11:04)
When the amount of your belongings is completely overwhelming, how—and where—do you even start? (18:06)
Why are we so obsessed with prescriptiveness? (18:54)
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Joshua and Ryan talk about raising organized children with behavioral and developmental pediatrician Dr. Damon Korb, and they answer the following questions:
What are executive functions? (01:34)
What is behavioral pediatrics? (02:18)
What do you mean by “organized children”? (02:47)
How has the pandemic affected children’s health? (03:24)
How do we set appropriate boundaries with our children? (04:58)
How do we help our children adopt minimalist practices that stick at an early age so they don’t lose them and suffer the consequences in adulthood? (05:38)
How can we be minimalist parents? (06:50)
How can we teach our children to be problem-solvers? (09:51)
How can we help our children deal with boredom? (10:35)
What advice do you have for first-time parents? (14:43)
How do you balance setting boundaries with a child while still allowing them room to explore and learn about who they are? (19:16)
How do we appropriately handle our expectations regarding our children? (21:54)
What are the “5 H’s” regarding kids? (27:30)
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Joshua and Ryan talk about success, failure, fulfillment, and satisfaction—and how incessantly chasing those things can lead to foolness rather than fullness—and they answer the following questions:
What does success mean to you? (03:06)
What are your beliefs regarding spirituality? (07:38)
How do value judgments affect success? (13:08)
What is nihilism? (14:39)
How do I overcome my addiction to procrastination so I can focus on doing meaningful work? (17:00)
What are the two kinds of ‘haves’? (19:53)
What is the “thing you can’t not do”? (20:21)
What is the best way to address distractions? (29:25)
What do you mean by “the costs we must pay”? (32:08)
How do you rebuild yourself and restructure your idea of success after a failure? (36:09)
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