Joshua and Ryan talk about our constant search for meaning, purpose, and significance; they discuss ways we can rethink spirituality, sex, and death with author Jamie Wheal; and they answer the following questions:
What is “meaning”? (01:04)
Why do we always seem to look for shortcuts? (03:57)
What are heuristics? (05:30)
What constitutes a true nihilist? (13:39)
Is awareness a curse? (16:55)
Once we find meaning in life, do we have a duty to help others find meaning as well? (18:25)
What is the difference between being selfish and being self-centered? (20:01)
What is the Hedonic treadmill? (25:19)
What is the difference between narcissism and nihilism? (27:29)
What is rapture ideology? (35:35)
How does one find meaning after a close loved one has passed and they are struggling to deal with the passing? (40:43)
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Joshua and Ryan discuss how we’re too often led astray by the status quo and how we can benefit from doing the opposite, and they answer the following questions:
What does it mean to be authentic? (00:00)
What is so problematic about trends? (04:58)
Can we find meaning in suffering? (10:56)
Why are opinions so inconsequential? (20:48)
When have you benefited from thinking the opposite? (22:21)
I’m being advised by my ethics class in college that retirement is detrimental to our growth and development as human beings—do you think that is true? (29:20)
What is the best kind of growth? (34:31)
Some of the worst advice I’ve received is, “Fake it until you make it”—what is wrong with being a work in progress? (44:30)
How is all advice flawed advice? (44:59)
Do we improve our lives more by addition or subtraction? (52:00)
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Joshua and Ryan discuss minimizing and letting go of sentimental stuff, and they answer the following questions:
How do we tactfully and appropriately address loved ones regarding stuff they’ve given us that we’re giving away—especially those things they consider of significant sentimental value? (08:37)
How do we avoid arguments with loved ones regarding possessions? (14:40)
Why does our brain try so hard to hold us back from releasing sentimental possessions? (18:03)
What do we do with all of the things associated with a loved one when we’ve lost them in a particularly tragic, traumatic way? (21:01)
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Joshua and Ryan discuss trauma, the ego, and setting boundaries with holistic psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera, and they answer the following questions:
Why did Dr. LePera write her latest book? (02:31)
How do you start on a path to healing and commit to it when your motivation is almost nil? (04:34)
Why is it so difficult to break our patterns? (05:04)
How do we reframe failure? (07:38)
How important is the caloric intake of the brain? (08:35)
How do we recognize if a goal is empowering or disempowering? (13:09)
How do I work with loved ones to adjust our lifestyle preferences so I can attain and maintain mental peace? (13:36)
How do you forgive others and yourself and move forward when a loved one passes suddenly and you feel you haven’t had a chance to tell them everything you needed to, and how do you forgive others that you feel treated that person terribly in life and let go of the anger toward them? (18:30)
How are forgiveness and acceptance associated? (19:31)
How do we let go of anger? (25:37)
Are there types of bodywork that address the mind-body connection together, or are there types of psychotherapy that address the mind-body connection in tandem? (30:28)
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